“Ntsoana and its collaborators aesthetically remapped and energised Joburg dance and performance” – Adrienne Sichel, The Star (In House Project)
“Sello Pesa upped the site-specific ante in Inhabitant which transformed Main Street (outside Goethe-on Main) into a stage.” Adrienne Sichel, The Star, (Inhabitant)
“Both works, which transgress the boundaries of street theatre, posed questions about the validity of theatrical performance in public spaces and the role of audiences merely as voyeurs or active participants” Adrienne Sichel, The Star, (Inhabitant)
“The works he has created straddle the boundaries between theatre and performance art. He desists from being boxed-in by conventions and purposively subverts or dispenses with the spoken and unspoken rules that govern theatrical performance” Mary Corrigall, Sunday Independent
“So violent is the action that I was as scared for my life being taken by flying chunks of wood” Niren Tolsi, Festival diary, (Lime Light on Rites)
“Pesa as performer and choreographer, takes the audience on a bizarre and often unnerving journey fraught with unresolved tension” Chris Tobo, JOMBA! KHULUMA, (Lime Light on Rites)
“The most courageous performer of the year, so far, has to be Ntsoana Dance Theatre’s Pesa” Adrienne Sichel , The Star (Time of Small Berries).